A pro-Palestine protest at Northeastern University was crushed by riot police the other day because someone apparently said “kill the Jews.” Police arrested around 100 people.

They literally said that someone saying “kill the Jews” was the main reason why the protest was shut down by police.

Some are saying that the person who said this was a pro-Israel counter protester.

Even if all of the pro-Palestine protesters were saying “kill the Jews” in unison, this is not illegal. It is lawful to call for the death of all Jews or any group of people. Such speech was ruled by the courts to be protected speech under the United States Constitution decades ago.

It is also ridiculous for these people to say that a protest can be shut down by police because of one person saying “kill the Jews.” This means that police can just send in a single plant to say “kill the Jews” and use that as justification to do mass arrests.

The police had no lawful authority to do these types of mass arrests. It just shows how there is no rule of law and that we are living under a post-Constitutional tyranny.

I’d also like to reiterate the fact that this type of force was never used on the BLM clowns who were burning down cities and destroying property back in 2020. This type of force has also not been used against any of the illegal alien invaders. No, instead this type of force is being actively used to shut down people criticizing Israel and the fact that Jews are doing an actual genocide in Gaza with weapons provided by the United States government.