We are now at a point where a high school photo showing some students giving a roman salute is enough to become a national news story. The Jewish news media is completely unhinged.

USA Today:

A photo posted on social media of dozens of Wisconsin high school students giving a Nazi salute has drawn condemnation from the school district.

Tweets say the photo shows all the males in the Baraboo (WIsconsin) High School class of 2019 at the city’s only public high school. Some students also are believed to be giving a white power salute.

A tweet from a now-deleted account includes this message: “We even got the black kid to throw it up,” according to a screenshot from Carly Sidey of Baraboo. Sidey briefly decided Monday afternoon to make her tweets available only to followers but later restored her account to public view.

The photo appears to have been taken during the school’s junior class prom in the spring when photographer Pete Gust of Wheel Memories in Baraboo asked for separate photos of the boys and the girls in the Class of 2019, according to information from Jules Suzdaltsev, a New York-based journalist for Prompt News Online in Abuja, Nigeria, who first publicized the incident early Monday.

The Jew news media felt compelled to make this photo a national news story. ABC News, NBC News and others did full reports on the situation.

They’re trying to socially shame and destroy the lives of ordinary people who are caught doing things deemed to be against the Jewish order of political correctness. This is just another example of it.

That’s because in the Jewish mind, groups of White males giving roman salutes is one step away from Jews getting stuffed in shower room gas chambers.