Elizabeth Holmes the one-time billionaire and former CEO of blood-testing technology startup Theranos, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for her role in defrauding investors.

She once claimed that they don’t put “pretty” people like her in jail.

The lying bitch claimed that she had developed these magic machines which could automatically test people for diseases with small samples of blood. Her claims were lies. The technology never worked yet she managed to convince all sorts of investors to dump billions of dollars into her ridiculous company.

Everything about her fake. Even her voice was fake. She used this ridiculously low baritone voice to try and come off as more masculine.

There’s all sorts of documentary films about the Theranos fraud if you want more details about it.

The Jew Jim Cramer once comically compared her to Apple founder Steve Jobs.

She received all sorts of positive media coverage from the Jew news media simply because she had a hole in between her legs.

Her rise was really peak Silicon Valley decadence. She was totally unqualified to run a large enterprise and had no engineering background or experience. But during the 2000s and 2010s, there was an obsession with putting women in top management positions for “woke” ideological reasons so she became a convenient figure to promote and support.

Everything about her was a lie and a fraud. It is good to see her get sent to prison.