Taiwan is whining that China is preparing to invade the island.

Taiwan is not a country. It is a part of China and it is currently occupied by an illegitimate ZOG entity.

This Chinese government person also brings up a good point.

It was really stupid of the Taiwanese fake government to go along with the whole Nancy Pelosi visit. Sure, maybe they didn’t have a much of a choice in the matter, but they certainly didn’t push back on it.

China was mostly content to just leave things the way they were but the United States kept provoking them over the Taiwan issue. The Pelosi visit was a very serious provocation. They forced them into responding and they have responded in a big way with a blockade and military exercises. These military exercises could very well just be a precursor to an eventual operation on the island itself which is why the foreign minister for the fake Taiwanese entity is so concerned.

I’ve said repeatedly that the United States has no military strategy to deal with a Chinese military operation on the island. Plus, this guy is in charge of the Pentagon.

Even if they did have a strategy, do you think he’d be able to properly execute it?

Whatever the case, something has to give on the Taiwan issue. If I were the Chinese, I would be seriously considering a military operation to put an end to this issue once and for all.