The entire Jewish project of turning Afghanistan into a paradise for gay anal sex, feminism and trannies has ended in total failure.

China and Russia are both mocking this failure and rightfully so. Any person who knows basic history could see that maintaining a permanent occupation in Afghanistan would eventually fail. You don’t even have to be a historical expert to understand this. The Soviet Union attempted and failed to do something similar in the 1980s and this led to its collapse in the early 1990s.

For more information about this, I strongly encourage people to watch the documentary film Rambo III.

Both China and Russia are continuing to maintain a diplomatic presence in the country while the ZOG rats flee.

Unlike ZOG, Russia and China will deal with the Taliban reasonably and will not try to impose gay anal sex, feminism and trannies on them. The Chinese will undoubtedly work with them to build infrastructure that is beneficial to both parties.

The Russians are saying the exact same thing I’ve been saying about what happened in Afghanistan. That this was not part of some grand geopolitical strategy and that it was instead a failure of major proportions.

The Chinese have noted that the transition of power in Afghanistan was more orderly than what just happened in America with the 2020 election fiasco.

They are not wrong with this assessment. Outside of chaos involving the traitors trying to flee the country, the transition was very peaceful. The Taliban just drove right into the city and took control of it with little if any resistance. This was a much more orderly transition of power compared to anything we’ve seen here in America over the past year. Nobody can deny this.

Basically, Russia and China are just sitting back waiting for the ZOG empire to collapse under the weight of its own corruption and stupidity. It’s hard to say what ZOG’s next move will be, but whatever it is, it will likely be another massive overreach that will eventually end in failure just like this bizarre project in Afghanistan did.