Mexico’s Congress just held another hearing on space aliens. Some guy is claiming he has alien bodies and the Mexicans are giving him a political platform to push his alleged evidence. The previous hearing was totally ridiculous and everybody mocked the alleged alien bodies that were presented. This hearing appears to be just as ridiculous as the previous one.

All this UFO and space alien talk that we’ve seen over the past year is nothing but bullshit. They were really hyping it up earlier in the year and it looked as if they may have been setting the stage for a potential space alien hoax. The events in Palestine and other matters have relegated this space alien agenda to the backburner. This type of thing is obviously meant to keep the concept in the news cycle. That way if they decide to actually push the hoax for real, they have a trail of historical items to use as a reference point.

I used to be very open minded about UFOs and aliens but it has become clear now that most if not all of this stuff is just part of a hoax. The fact that we have all sorts of known liars in the Pentagon, the media etc.. suddenly giving credibility to UFO/alien stuff only reinforces it being a hoax. They used to say that the people who talked about this topic were kooks only to suddenly reverse the narrative.