The Pentagram is saying that whistleblower claims of UFOs being of alien origin are unfounded.

When they started putting out all of those low quality and retarded UFO videos, the vast majority of people said they were fake. The public didn’t buy into all the UFO shit that they and the Jewish media were suddenly trying to sell. They rightly assumed that if the government was suddenly shilling UFOs after trashing the concept for decades, it was some type of hoax operation.

Since they couldn’t get the public to buy into all this gibberish, it looks like they could be pulling the plug on it. This could obviously change though. They can always bring back this hoax since the attention span of the public is abysmally low. Most Americans generally can’t remember what happened days and weeks ago let alone months and years in the past.

There’s also all the shit going on with Israel and these Jewish wars that these Pentagram people are trying to sort out. They probably don’t have the cycles or resources to perpetuate this UFO bullshit any longer.