Ohio recently voted to give women the legal right to murder their children. Look at all these whores and beta males cheer this.

This is evil and satanic.

Abortion is murder. They can call it whatever they want, but that’s what it is at the end of the day.

If these whores want to whore around and not raise the kids they produce from their whoring, the least they could do is give the child up for adoption. But no, instead they demand the right to kill the unborn child because allowing it to be born would apparently be too much effort for them.

It’s also ridiculous to support legalized baby murder considering there are all sorts of birth control options available. Plus, women can only get pregnant a few days each month.

This abortion issue is yet another reason why women should be banned from voting and banned from participating in politics. Many of them are just foot soldiers for demonic Jewish agendas and this is obviously one of the bigger ones.