The Jews are saying that Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman took out an Israeli flag and started waving it at pro-Palestinian protesters who showed up at his home. We can’t see Fetterman in the video, but the Jews are saying this is Fetterman waving the Jew flag at them.

Look at this shit take from Clay Travis.

So you respect Fetterman as soon as he starts waving a Jew flag supporting a Zionist terror regime committing a genocide?

Give me a break. There are unfortunately lots of “conservatives” like Travis who are right on a handful of issues but have the worst possible take imaginable on Jews and Israel.

This Fetterman guy was a walking vegetable with obvious brain damage and he is suddenly speaking coherent sentences.

Here he is on CNN defending Israel saying that it represents “American values.” He sounds like a totally different person.

What’s going on with all this?

Maybe the old Fetterman died and they replaced him with an actor. This matter should be fully investigated but it obviously won’t. Nothing important ever is.