The Jew Zelensky said the other day that the Ukrainian military has only lost 31,000 soldiers and that 180,000 Russians have been killed. This is just such an obvious lie and it is insane that he would publicly make such a statement. Clearly all the drugs that are going up his nose is taking its toll on his cognitive functions. His public appearances are just getting more and more ridiculous.

If these numbers Zelensky is citing were real they wouldn’t be kidnapping random people and sending them to the front. Hell, they’ve been conscripting women, cripples, retards and old men. They’re just sending these people into a meat grinder to die in a war that’s already lost.

On top of that, the old hag Ursula said back in November 2022 that the Ukraine had lost 100,000 soldiers.

That was well over a year ago.

I would expect the lies to get increasingly absurd as Russia makes more progress towards ending this war. Unless something drastic changes, they will have to take Kharkov, Odessa and Kiev. They’ve been left with no choice as there is nobody in the West willing to negotiate a peace.