An ugly Jewish comedian woman pictured above named Judy Gold was on MSNBC talking about abortion. She went crazy about Lindsey Graham’s proposal to ban abortion across the country after 15 weeks. She specifically said that Graham has never seen a vagina or a naked woman. She strongly implied that Graham is a homosexual individual.

The Jew could very well be correct that Graham has never seen a vagina or a naked woman. Graham very much appears to be a homosexual who is being controlled by people who have sexual blackmail material on him. I’m not sure why the Jew decided to say this about Graham because it just shines light on how he is a compromised person.

Whoopi Goldberg recently made a similar type of homosexual joke about Graham and appeared to have been told by Jews to apologize for it.

But really, this just proves my point about Graham’s ridiculous abortion ban proposal. There was no reason to propose such a thing while we have a situation where there is no chance of such a proposal passing. You would only do this if you wanted to give fodder for Jews and other shills to go nuts about it as a way to rally dumbass sluts to vote for Democrats.