A new Rasmussen poll has showed that Ukraine democracy is not even close to being a top concern for Americans.


The Russia-Ukraine conflict and other stories played up by major US media outlets have apparently failed to strike a nerve with many Americans, who are far more concerned about such issues as violent crime and inflation heading into the midterm congressional elections in November, a leading polling firm has revealed.

“Legacy media gaslighting has failed, massively,” Rasmussen Reports said on Saturday, citing polling showing a divergence between the topics hammered most by cable news outlets and the issues that are concerning to voters. The Ukraine crisis, in particular, has been shrugged off by many voters, failing to rank among the top dozen issues and being cited as “very important” by only one in five Americans.

By comparison, 87% of voters are “concerned” and 56% are “very concerned” about violent crime, Rasmussen reported. Other top issues include energy policy (87% concerned and 54% very concerned), high gas prices (86% and 57%), inflation (85% and 57%), the economy (84% and 55%), and illegal immigration (84% and 54%).

We allegedly live in a democracy where the will of the people is supposed to be put into practice. That’s at least the theory, but the reality is much different. We have seen over and over again in Western democracies that the will of the people is never represented. The system will conspire against the people if they vote in ways they dislike.

That’s why we see the United States government dumping unlimited resources to support the evil Jewish regime in the Ukraine for alleged democracy values. They are doing this even though the American people don’t care about Ukrainian democracy. The domestic affairs of a former member of the Soviet Union has no tangible impact on the lives of Americans. Plus, most Americans are so stupid, they probably couldn’t even locate Ukraine on a world map.

Either way, Ukrainian democracy is not an important issue to the American people. So waging war against Russia in the name of Ukrainian democracy just shows how unhinged and crazy the United States government has become.

What gets me is that few people are speaking out against this insane Ukraine war. This unnecessary and stupid conflict is literally pushing us to the brink of a third world war and a nuclear armed conflict. Where are all the anti-war people? At least back in the 2000s there were protests against the Iraq war. Where did those people go? It’s as if they got sucked into an abyss after the homosexual Kenyan got installed into power.

All the issues that Americans actually care about are being totally ignored by the government. In many cases, they’re purposefully trying to make the problems worse. It’s all just totally insane what’s happening.