The Israelis are rolling out the third shot to Jews aged 50 and older.

What you see happening in Israel is just a preview of what you will see rolled out everywhere else. That’s why Anthony Fauci the high priest of the virus/vaxx cult was promoting booster shots over the past week or two.

I honestly do not know if the Jews are giving their own people the death vaxx or if they are injecting them with a placebo.

Either scenario is possible as Jews have been known to Jew their own people with their deranged schemes. But it could just be an operation to convince the rest of the world to go along with the vaxx agenda. If we see large numbers of Jews drop dead over the next year or so, we’ll know which scenario it was.

Whatever the agenda is, we know that the third shot doesn’t work to keep people safe from any of these fake variants. Several Jews who got the third shot tested positive for virus.

Of course, the tests themselves are fake.

Everything about this is fake.

It’s all designed to create a control grid and make people take endless numbers of untested shots. Everything about this is evil.