The homosexual Zionist terrorist Lindsey Graham who fully supports Israel murdering babies wants Russia to be labeled a state sponsor of terrorism.


US Senator Lindsey Graham has claimed that the passing of the opposition figure Alexey Navalny in a Siberian prison was not an accident, before medical examiners have determined the exact cause of death.

Navalny, 47, collapsed during his daily walk on Friday and was later pronounced dead. The cause of death is still being established, but Western reactions “once again demonstrated their hypocrisy, cynicism and lack of principles,” the Foreign Ministry in Moscow said. On Sunday, Senator Graham, who on several occasions called for the assassination of President Vladimir Putin, went as far as to pin the blame on the Russian leader personally.

“Let’s make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law. Let’s make them pay a price for killing Navalny,” Graham told CBS’ Face the Nation on Sunday, claiming that he already discussed the idea with two Democratic senators.

Graham is such an insufferable faggot. There is no proof Vladimir Putin killed Alexey Navalny.

If anybody is a terrorist it is him. He has spent his entire political career pushing for endless Jewish wars while doing nothing for the American people.

He will burn in hell with his homosexual boyfriend John McCain when he dies.