Sunday, May 19, 2024

Facebook Bans Chechen Leader

So apparently Facebook is operating as an arm of the United States government now.

Anti-Government Protests Spread In Iran

Looks like the Zionists are trying to stir up trouble in Iran.

Topless Femen Skank Tries to Steal Baby Jesus From Vatican

Here's yet another example of why we need White Sharia.

United States Cuts $285 Million from United Nations Budget

Less money for the UN is a step in the right direction.

Austrian Chancellor Kurz Opposing “Refugee” Redistribution in Europe

Hopefully more countries will swing to the political right like Austria has.

UN Rejects Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration With a 128-9 Vote

This over the top pro-Israel agenda is making the world hate Jews even more.

#MeToo: Theresa May’s Top Deputy Forced Out

One could argue that #MeToo is the greatest thing of the year.

Australia: Sand Monkey Drives Car Into a Crowd of People

I am shocked to see that another Moslem has used a car to try and deliberately kill people.

North Korea Blamed for WannaCry Attack

This looks like a convenient misdirection of blame.

Goofy Jackass James Clapper Claims Trump is Putin’s Asset

James Clapper has been hired by CNN to promote Jew propaganda and lies.