Neil Young a boomer era musician who literally sang about rockin’ in the free world, has pulled his music from Spotify because they won’t fire Joe Rogan.

His bandmates are following suit.

Joni Mitchell and Nils Lofgren have also pulled their music as stated by Mary Trump who announced she was pulling her podcast from Spotify to support this attempt to fire Rogan.

Who the hell even listens to Mary Trump’s podcast any way? lol

This is just dumb and it isn’t working. They are basically choosing to deplatform themselves because Spotify has already made a substantial investment in Rogan. They aren’t going to throw their investment away because a few boomer musicians choose to remove their music in protest of his show. It’s not like Rogan says anything all that controversial. In fact, his show is far less interesting and watered down since he made the move to Spotify.

These boomers are literally the most tone deaf morons imaginable. They demanded free sex, free drugs and free everything when they were in their 20s and 30s and now in their senior years are trying to silence someone for having views they disagree with. More specifically, they want Rogan gone because he is having guests on who don’t believe people should be forcibly injected with a deadly bioweapon by large Jewish pharmaceutical companies.

The hypocrisy of these people is off the charts. It’s time for the boomer generation to fade away and let younger generations try to rebuild from all the damage they have done to the world. The older I get, the less and less I understand this generation of largely entitled and self-absorbed people.