Despite all sorts of boomer musicians who pulled their music from Spotify in an attempt to blackmail them into removing Joe Rogan’s podcast from the service, Spotify’s CEO is saying they will continue to host the show. This is happening despite the fact that people discovered that Rogan said the “nigger” word in the past.

Spotify’s CEO issued a groveling apology to his staff explaining why they would continue to host Rogan. It looks like a compromise was struck where Rogan agreed to have a number of his old podcasts removed while he issued public apologies for him previously saying “nigger.” They seem to think this will be enough to satisfy these mobs of lunatics.

Here’s a newsflash. Nothing will satisfy these people. The proper response would have been to tell these people to fuck off and to cry harder about it. There should have been no apology and no removal of old podcasts. At least the mob didn’t achieve their ultimate goal which was a total ban of Rogan.

Specifically, this push to remove Rogan’s show for saying “nigger” is obviously stupid. How many rap songs does Spotify host where some nigger is saying “nigger” over and over again? Notice how these same people don’t have a problem with any of that. So this is not about Rogan saying “nigger”, it is about silencing him.

Rogan is not even a far right personality. He’s just someone who has open conversations with all sorts of different people. But we are at a point where the censorship push has gotten so insane that even someone like Rogan is being targeted for removal.

The problem is that Rogan’s podcast is so popular that even if Spotify banned it entirely, Rogan could easily host it on his own or get someone else to host it for him. He’s worth  many millions of dollars and doesn’t really need Spotify. In fact, until he started talking about the virus hoax, vaxx etc.. he probably lost viewers when he signed the exclusive Spotify deal.