The Jewish website YouTube is adding “fact check” notices for searches about Joe Biden. They are specifically doing this for searches related to Biden and fracking.

As Mark Dice pointed out in his tweet, they are using a “fact check” to promote lies about what Biden has said.

It’s utterly absurd what they are doing but not surprising.

Performing “fact checks” on searches absolutely seems to be a new way for YouTube to manipulate their users. Although, they were previously embedding Wikipedia links in with various videos that did not conform to various Jewish narratives like the Holocaust of six zillion Jews, climate change and other topics. But most of those videos have just been banned off the site now.

The reason why YouTube is engaging in this chicanery is because its CEO is an ugly Jewish woman who hates truth.

More specifically, she is a very ugly Jewish bitch who belongs in the pits of hell. Just look at this nasty kike cunt. Bitch probably has hoofs.