It looks like the military operation that was supposed to deal with the Yemen Houthis and their Red Sea blockade might not get off the ground. The United States Navy is saying that they don’t have enough warships to even begin the operation.

There are reports that France is withdrawing from the coalition.

There are protests in Bahrain against their participation in the coalition.

One can only imagine what other issues are going on behind the scenes.

Point being is that there’s all sorts of problems emerging and it might not be possible for the US to even launch the operation they announced. The coalition itself was small and only included 10 countries. The majority of the world does not want to wage war against the Houthis to support the Jews doing a genocide in Gaza. It is just not good politics.

What we are seeing is a military empire in collapse and you’d have to be blind not to see it. Compare this coalition to the type of coalition we saw back in the early 1990s with the Gulf War. The US despite its problems was a respected country and power. They could rally much of the world to a cause even if it was a questionable cause. The world today no longer respects the US and it especially does not respect its unconditional support for the fake country of Israel.