The United States government is claiming that QAnon followers are terrorists. They issued a whole report saying that QAnon followers are going to be committing violent acts.

I think the whole QAnon thing was created by the same people in the intelligence community who are claiming they are terrorists. It’s controlled opposition that just seemingly became a thing on the Internet right after people like myself and others were totally banned from everything.

This whole “trust the plan” thing has proven to be outright bullshit. It has fooled a bunch of boomers into thinking that Donald Trump is somehow going to be reinstalled as the President.

While I would like to believe that Q is a real thing, there is no evidence indicating that anything about QAnon is legitimate. I’d be glad to be proven wrong, but all I see is our society descending into a total collapse while all these QAnon people claim there is some sort of plan to bring us out of the abyss.

It’s also worth nothing that this idea that QAnon followers are terrorists and are preparing to commit violent acts is ridiculous. Boomer QAnon followers are not going to suddenly start killing people. If there’s any future event associated with violence that is connected to QAnon, the chances are very likely that said event will be a staged hoax by actors in the intelligence community.

What they’re doing with QAnon is the same thing they did with the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc.. They create fake groups or infiltrate existing groups and turn them into a fake opposition that never gains any traction against the system.