“Q” is back.

I guess “Q” still wants us to “trust the plan.” Well, I never trusted the plan because there never appeared to be a plan. If there was any plan, the plan totally sucked.

Was part of the plan hoaxing a pandemic, forcibly injecting people with poison, collapsing the economy, starting a war with Russia and failing to arrest any of the people behind the Russiagate hoax? Was all of this part of some 88th dimensional chess move by Donald Trump? Go ahead and believe this if you want. I don’t believe any of it.

This entire “Q” business appears to be a variation of a Soviet intelligence operation called “Operation Trust.” This was an operation where the Bolsheviks setup a controlled opposition front to expose dissenters. In this case, it is being used to give people false hope while the country is being systematically destroyed.

If I had to guess, this “Q” person is probably some jackass or any number of jackasses working for the CIA who sit in a cubicle out of Langley, Virginia. If not the CIA, “Q” could also be some Jew working for the Mossad out of Israel.

Which brings up another point. Has “Q” ever talked about the Jewish problem? I’m not aware of “Q” ever talking about this which pretty much says all you need to know about whoever “Q” is or isn’t.