Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse who is also a massive faggot and a coward, has claimed that QAnon is responsible for destroying the Republican Party.


Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska has warned that the QAnon conspiracy theory movement is destroying the GOP in a blistering op-ed for The Atlantic.

In the article, Sasse describes how devotees of the movement played a prominent role in the Capitol’s January 6 riots.

“The violence that Americans witnessed-and that might recur in the coming days-is not a protest gone awry or the work of “a few bad apples.” It is the blossoming of a rotten seed that took root in the Republican Party some time ago and has been nourished by treachery, poor political judgment, and cowardice,” writes Sasse.

No Ben, it is cowardly pussies like yourself who have destroyed the GOP by refusing to do what people wanted. You and others of your ilk just allowed the most massive election fraud in all of history to take place and falsely claimed that this fraud was democracy and couldn’t be questioned.

This is the type of thing that has destroyed the GOP, not people who believe in conspiracy theories. The Republican Party would be very much intact right now if you came together and supported Donald Trump instead of throwing him under the bus every chance you got. But I guess you thought your worthless bullshit political career was more important.

Traitors like Sasse need to be confronted wherever they go in public. Get in their faces. The entire Republican Party needs to be dismantled and destroyed for their treachery against the people.