The University of Pennsylvania’s President Liz Magill was forced out of her job to protect the feelings of Jews. She made remarks that angered Jews at a recent Congressional hearing so a bunch of Jews conspired to have her removed.

I’m not really sure what she said that was so wrong. She just said that the context of speech mattered when answering a question about what campus policy would be as far as dealing with people who are calling for the genocide of Jews.

This spawned headlines from Jewish media operations describing her as being some type of evil anti-Semite who was fine with people calling for genocides against them.

What the Jew media is purposefully failing to mention is that calls for a genocide against Jews or any other group of people is lawful speech and protected by the First Amendment. See the Brandenburg v. Ohio case.

I’d just like to know which pro-Palestine people are calling for a genocide against Jews? I haven’t seen a single clip of a pro-Palestine person specifically calling for this. Most of these protesters are simply calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Even if there are clips of some people calling for this, it was clear that this whole line of questioning was political in nature.

Meanwhile there’s all sorts of Jews calling for Palestinians to be ethnically cleansed but that gets ignored by the supposedly very moral people inside the United States government.

We have people like the Zionist Jew Mark Levin who is posting links to articles saying that there are no innocent Palestinians and generally advocating for their slaughter.

Congress is also opening an investigation into the matter of Jews having their feelings hurt on college campuses.

Republicans are lining up to support all of this. They want to show Jews how much they support them even though they are stupidly opposing free speech with their stance. Many of them were demanding Magill’s firing alongside the Jews.

There’s been widespread discrimination against people of European racial stock for years across college campuses. Nothing was ever done about that, but when people start protesting Jews because they are doing a literal genocide, the system suddenly closes ranks to shut it down in any way possible.

The Jews are somehow both the most powerful/wealthy group of people yet considered helpless victims at the same time. They’re immune from criticism even when they are slaughtering thousands of children. It is an utterly ridiculous situation.

This entire system is so Jewish and you’d have to be a retard not to recognize how Jewish it really is.