Donald Trump tweeted about how any attempt to setup an “autonomous zone” in Washington DC would be met with serious force. Twitter hid the tweet claiming it represented “abusive behavior.”

So a comment about a theoretical future event and a theoretical response to said theoretical future event is “abusive behavior” according to Twitter.

This is total bullshit. The only abuse going on here is from Twitter management which is falsely claiming a comment from the President of the United States is “abusive.”

If only Trump had made it a top priority to protect free speech after Charlottesville in 2017, we would not be in this position. At that time many of us were helping build a media empire that could have totally demolished the Jewish corporate media had we been given a level playing field.

Unfortunately, he did nothing to protect us and now Twitter is just openly censoring his tweets and will probably ban him soon. They’ll definitely ban him if he loses the election, but if he loses, that will probably be the least of his problems. He and his family will likely face arrest from the mob of communists that will take over the government.