The senile child molester, criminal and fake President Joe Biden had his motorcade greeted by a large number of Donald Trump supporters in Pennsylvania. Many of the Trump supporters greeted old Joe with a middle finger if not two middle fingers.

Check out some video it here.

It is hard to say how many people were there, but it was definitely in the hundreds maybe even the thousands. A pretty large response considering this was in a smaller Pennsylvania town.

Meanwhile, there were virtually no Biden supporters to be found countering the crowd.

Images like these further undermine the narrative that Biden somehow got 81 million votes. No serious person can possibly believe that he fairly won the election.

It is definitely encouraging to see that there are a significant number of Americans who oppose senile Joe and understand that the election was stolen. These people are much more likely to resist this insane system of tyranny that is being rolled out. Why would they follow the edicts of a man who they view as illegitimate?

I am skeptical that these people are going to be able to successfully manage all of this. They have a very big credibility problem that keeps getting bigger by the day.