It looks like the 800 troops Donald Trump already ordered to the southern border was just a start. There’s now 5,200 troops heading down there. They are being deployed to help stop this Central American caravan that is vowing to invade the United States of America.

Even though these soldiers will serve in logistical roles, it is a major step forward. It shows that Trump is serious about stopping this invading caravan from entering the country. All sane Americans want border security and they do not support illegal immigration. This strong response is a winning position for Trump and should help Republicans in the midterms.

If necessary, Trump should order the southern border closed completely. We can’t tolerate what happened to Europe happen to the United States. If one caravan is allowed in, they’ll just keep flooding in.

There’s also additional reports that Trump might issue new executive orders to make it impossible for these invaders to seek asylum by entering illegally.

And why do these beaners want to come up here any way? The Jew-run media keeps saying that America is a nation of evil White KKK Nazis. So why would they want to be around so many White people who hate people with non-White skin? Sounds like a bit of a contradiction. One would think they’d be happier remaining in their shithole countries. They’re not going to have a choice though. They will all be sent back to their shitholes.