This China balloon story is some of the dumbest shit I’ve seen in my entire life. The Pentagon did a whole press conference trying to scare the American people over this alleged Chinese spy balloon that is making its way across the country.

To further cement the seriousness of this supposed spy balloon, the Jewish Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelled his planned trip with the Chinese.

The Jewish media has not shockingly been pushing the balloon hysteria to the max.

The thing is, you have all sorts of other people who should know better just blindly shilling the narrative and demanding war with China over this balloon.

Pretty much every fake conservative and Republican shill is out there on social media promoting this balloon story at face value.

Jack Posobiec a “former” Navy intel person is demanding that it be shot down with an F-22.

Benny Johnson is using the balloon story to claim that Joe Biden is weak on China.

Tom Fitton is saying we are under attack by China because of this very scary Chinese balloon.

Even Tucker Carlson was scaring his audience over this balloon business last night and criticized the Pentagon for not shooting it down.

Speaking of which, Carlson has gone totally off the rails as of late. A large part of his show is now centered around promoting war with China and celebrating homosexual butt sex. He should be ashamed of himself for shilling such nonsense to his trusting audience.

Point blank, the entire narrative about this balloon doesn’t make any sense. Are we to believe that China purposefully floated this alleged spy balloon across the Pacific Ocean without anybody noticing it until it reached Montana?

There’s not even any confirmation that this is a spy balloon. I mean, why would the Chinese use a balloon of all things to spy on the United States? They have much more advanced technology and it is just goofy to think that they would use a balloon for this purpose.

China is saying that it was a weather monitoring balloon that they lost control of.

At the moment, there is no reason for me to not believe the Chinese on this one. The Pentagon probably knew about this balloon for awhile and just waited until it got deep into American airspace before finally saying something about it.

Remember, there are lots of people in Washington DC who want to shift the public’s attention away from the failing war in the Ukraine and on to China. This balloon incident is a convenient excuse to do just that.

It is just insane to see all of these so-called “conservatives” demanding war with China over this while claiming that Biden is a Chinese puppet. Biden and the Jews around him have been doing everything you could imagine to provoke the Chinese into a war. Biden is not controlled by China, he is controlled by Jews who want a war with them.

It is also insane to be pushing for a war against China right now and especially over something like this. We do not have the economic or military capabilities to take them on. They also make all sorts of things that we need.

The fact that these “conservative” assholes can’t figure all of this out proves that they are either really stupid or paid liars. You can take your pick.

I do not give a single shit about this balloon and pushing for war over it is peak retard.