Every day we are seeing stories about companies doing mass layoffs yet at the same time we are being told that the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1969.

Yes, inflation is low and job growth is high according to Jewish persons like David Rothschild.

So all those stories about people getting fired aren’t real and we aren’t paying more for food, electricity and other basic necessities? Do I have that right Jew?

Who is the real conspiracy theorist here?

There is no reason to believe any of these economic numbers. They’ve all been manipulated to hide the truth. My real world experience does not line up with what these liars are saying that’s for sure.

A large chunk of these alleged new jobs were reportedly in the leisure and hospitality sector.

As a result of this, it is highly unlikely that these are net new jobs. They are probably jobs that were erased during the virus hoax that are simply being reopened.

Whatever the case, I don’t believe these numbers, especially when you still have around 100 million Americans out of the labor force. The way they calculate these numbers is ridiculous just based on this alone.