Sports Illustrated was using AI-generated content and even created AI-generated fake writer profiles. They then deleted the content after people starting asking about it.

They put out some bullshit response providing some lame excuse as to why they weren’t transparent with their readers.

Talk about a shitty mess.

Why couldn’t they just be honest about using AI-generated content? I don’t think anybody would have a problem with that. What people have a problem with is being deceptive about it and pretending like the AI-generated content was being written by real people.

You can bet that Sports Illustrated isn’t the only large publication or media operation doing something like this.

The whole situation is ridiculous. Is anybody capable of being honest about anything these days? It’s no wonder why this country has gone to absolute and complete shit. It seems as if there are fewer and fewer people who value truth and honesty in positions of power. The people who value truth and honesty are mostly all blacklisted and ostracized from this sick collapsing system.