Reuters has published a significant attack piece primarily targeting alternative video sharing sites BitChute and Odysee for hosting what they claim is “misinformation.”

They’ve put out several tweets promoting their hit piece.

Just who the hell are these people to declare what “misinformation” is or isn’t? The corporate media and all the big social media sites have regularly promoted false information as the truth and the truth as “misinformation.”

The COVID-19 virus hoax is just one example. All these organizations said in unison that there was a deadly pandemic and that the shots produced by Pfizer, Moderna and other pharmaceutical companies were safe and effective. Anybody who disagreed was ostracized, attacked or banned even though the people who disagreed with the official narrative have been proven 100 percent correct. There never was a deadly pandemic and the shots were neither safe and effective. In fact, the shots have been literally killing people.

Odysee replied to Reuters and noted a number of inaccuracies in their attack article and rightly said that they suck.

I remember when the big social media sites first started banning people for wrong think and a bunch of people said that if they didn’t like the bans that they should build their own social media sites. Well, some people did just that and now we see an agenda to have these alternative options removed from the Internet. The whole system opposes free speech because free speech threatens the system which is based on lies.

Just the fact that Reuters has put out this major hit piece on BitChute and Odysse indicates to me that they are likely prepping the public for another round of significant bans and censorship.