A new poll is claiming that 75 percent of Americans support arming the illegitimate Jewish Ukraine government with weapons.

Americans are dumb yes, but this dumb? 75 percent is a big number. What I’d like to know is how many of these 75 percent can even locate Ukraine on a map.

It is possible that this poll was rigged and that this number has been inflated. But with that said, there are definitely many Americans including a large number of Republicans and conservatives who support this policy because they think modern Russia is the Soviet Union of the 1960s or 1970s. They have no concept of how Russia has been transformed under Vladimir Putin. It is a Christian country whereas Ukraine is a country run by illegitimate Jews who have allied themselves with Neo-Nazi satanists.

What amazes me is how so many Republicans and conservatives have bought into this Jewish narrative. This after the media lied to them for two years about a fake pandemic. You would think they would question their position after finding themselves agreeing with people like George Soros and other evil Jews in the media.

This is just another reason why democracy doesn’t work and can’t work. It is literally the worst form of government imaginable. It represents control by the media and if you have a corrupt media the people get led to slaughter.