A few days ago, Rumble took down a livestream of a Nick Fuentes event. This came around the same time that Donald Trump joined the site.

Maybe this was triggered by the Trump news, but nobody should be surprised by this. Rumble is not a free speech site and never was a free speech site. Their terms of service have from what I’ve seen always included terms about not doing “hate speech” etc..

Sure, they allow more stuff on their site versus YouTube, but there are still lines you can’t cross. It’s just like Twitter.

One of the lines you can’t cross is talking about the Jews. There has been all sorts of content removed because it got into the Jewish problem and this Fuentes speech appears to have fallen under that category regardless of whatever official reason Rumble cited for its removal.

There are people on Twitter trying to defend Rumble but all of this is just a hard cope.

As far as the Fuentes speech goes, I did not get a chance to see it, but it must have been good because I saw a bunch of Jews and the usual clowns saying that it contained virulent anti-Semitisms.