The amount of drama and bullshit weirdness that exists in the world of right-wing streaming content has gotten exhausting. It has unfortunately been this way forever and I see no signs of it changing.

I follow this space more closely than the average person and even I’m struggling to sort out what’s going on with this latest nonsense. If I’m having problems figuring out what’s going on, the average person will look at this dumpster fire and not want anything to do with it. Drama only caters to a small niche group of people who get off on soap opera shit and spend too much of their time on the Internet.

From what I can gather, the latest drama that’s unfolded has once again been centered around the Nick Fuentes streaming platform Cozy.TV. A few hosts have either quit or have been removed from the platform for various reasons. Namely ideological or strategic differences.

The big circus has involved Ethan Ralph’s Killstream show getting banned off of the site over his increasingly erratic behavior and behind the scenes disagreements. The Killstream was one of the more popular streams on Cozy.TV. The split was not handled well and devolved into a big dramafest.

I actually saw Ralph on Gab doxing a bunch of Nick’s associates over the situation. Ralph seems to be having some sort of meltdown which may or may not be related to a personal issue he is having with his family. He also appears to have developed some type of serious drug and/or alcohol problem which has been obvious to anybody who has seen some of his content.

Whatever the hell is gong on with him, doxing people like this is never an appropriate course of action. There is no excuse for it.

Ralph has also started accusing Fuentes of being a homosexual with no hard evidence. He literally used an out of context joke to make this claim.

This attack is not new and it is not original. If there’s any valid criticism of Nick it is that he has allowed all sorts of shitty people to be around him. Shitty faggots like Milo, Ali Alexander and others. To his credit, Fuentes has tried his best to control the damage that these clowns have done to his brand. How successful he has been with this is up for interpretation.

Ralph is also claiming that Fuentes is evil and says that he must be destroyed.

Yeah so Fuentes is allegedly a homosexual who must be destroyed after he just spent years doing shows on what he is claiming is an evil homosexual-run platform. I guess Ralph only came to these realizations after his show got banned from the network? Go figure.

From my perspective, this is mostly just a big bunch of faggot shit. Why couldn’t all of this stuff be handled behind the scenes with man to man conversations? Why did it turn into a situation that led to Ralph doxing a bunch of people? I can only guess as to the dynamics that led to this, but it is clear that the banning of Ralph’s show was not handled well.

To be clear, I am not defending Ralph’s decision to dox a bunch of people. That is unforgivable. I am just trying to look at this situation objectively and understand what led to this outcome.

It would really be much better if streamers would just focus their energy on the Jewish problem and on other pertinent political issues that people want alternative perspectives on. Unfortunately, this does not happen. Many shows instead devolve into soap opera fights between various streamers over minor if not petty differences. The end result of these fights is never good as we are seeing here.

In the case of Ralph, why couldn’t he just agree to part ways with Cozy.TV and figure out how to stream his show somewhere else? Why post doxes on social media and public attacks against Fuentes and others? Why all the vindictiveness? He and Fuentes were obviously on good terms at one point.

Either way, nobody gains from such behavior, especially the person who is doing the doxing. That is never good for anyone’s brand in the long run. After all, who outside of horrible people would want to be associated with someone who leaks people’s personal information on the Internet? It’s just scummy behavior.

Ralph and his Killstream brand is now about as toxic as Milo and various people who have done doxes on right-wing people. Just look at what happened to the people who doxed Ricky Vaughn. They have no relevancy now because they were rightly ostracized by anybody who had a functioning brain.

If Cozy.TV and right-wing streaming in general continues to be a big drama factory instead of an important alternative source of news and information, we’ll just be spinning our wheels. This sector of right-wing media has generally sucked and needs improvement. This sad situation is just more proof of that fact.