Nimarata Randhawa whined in a recent interview about growing up in the “racist” south. She said she was regularly teased for having brown skin. She even said that she was disqualified from a beauty pageant because of her skin color.

Seriously bitch?

Nobody believes this.

Nimarata is just plain ugly and had no business winning any beauty pageant any way. But to say that it had something to do with her skin color is just stupid.

Not only is she playing the woman card but she’s playing the race card. It is true that she is descended from Indians but her skin isn’t even brown. She is a lighter-skinned Indian and if she lived in India she would have been a member of one of the higher castes.

Here’s a photo of her when she was young.

This is just as ridiculous as Elizabeth Warren claiming she was descended from American Indians.

Nimarata claiming to be the victim of the “racist” south is just stupid. She was born into a somewhat wealthy Indian family who prospered in America, became governor of South Carolina and was allowed to become a major American political figure. Yet despite all this, she says she’s a victim of “racist” southerners.

Fuck this dumb whore.

It is worth noting that she was responsible for getting rid of the South Carolina state flag because of its Confederate symbolism when she was the state governor.

She owes the people of South Carolina an apology for shitting on their heritage. Although, I have a feeling those people will definitely get back at her when the South Carolina primary rolls around.

I can’t wait until this evil Zionist skank is forced out of the presidential race. She’ll probably say that she lost because she’s a woman and a minority. It seems like that’s why she is saying all this stupid shit about being a woman and having brown skin.

The thing is, she’s not going to lose because of her sex or skin color. She’s going to lose because she’s an evil warmongering cunt funded by wealthy Jews who nobody likes.