The black Negress Attorney General of New York has announced a lawsuit with the intent to dissolve the National Rifle Association. She claims that the NRA has done illegal things by spending money on things that they shouldn’t have been spending on.

This could be it for the NRA. Do you know why I believe that? Because David Hogg said so. He says the NRA is fucked and David Hogg is a very trustworthy individual.

Joking aside, this is complete bullshit. There’s all sorts of criminality going on in New York and this black nigger bitch is focused on the NRA’s spending habits. This is nothing more than a political move and has nothing to do with law and order. It is selective enforcement. Funny how she won’t do the same thing to Jewish banks in New York City is it not?

And if nobody is above the law, why is it that the state’s governor is allowed to get away with putting coronavirus patients in nursing homes? That was criminally negligent and could be considered a form of manslaughter. Surely the deaths of those people is a more important matter than the spending habits of the NRA. But this once again shows how politically motivated this is.

Personally I don’t think this is a smart political move though. It reeks of desperation. This is only going to give the NRA more support and further enrage supporters of the Second Amendment. They’ll be even more likely to come out and vote for Donald Trump a few months from now.

But seriously, fuck this corrupt nigger. This is third world African type corruption we are seeing here with this black cunt.