Fox News has not just been the highest rated cable news network over the past few months, but they’ve been the highest rated network across television.


Summer usually brings some of the year’s most iconic television, from the crack of bats on baseball’s opening day to the hushed voices of the final rounds of golf’s PGA Tour. Typically, these are also among the highest-rated shows on television during the summer months—but 2020 has shattered all the rules.

Since June 1, Fox News Channel has been not just the most-watched cable news network, but the highest-rated network in all of television. With an average prime-time audience of 3.451 million viewers, FNC beat CBS VIAC -1.4% (3.430 million), NBC (3.155 million), ABC (2.690 million) and Fox Broadcasting (1.414 million).

With the coronavirus dominating news coverage since early in the year, cable news has seen big jumps in viewership, but neither CNN nor MSNBC has managed to deliver audiences as consistently big as Fox News. The network’s ratings delivery has held strong, even as some major sports—initially canceled or delayed due to the pandemic—returned to television.

Make no mistake about it, Fox News has gotten much worse over the past few years and they spread all sorts of disinformation. The only difference between them and CNN/MSNBC is that they spread less disinformation.

But they do host Tucker Carlson who is still the only cable news show worth watching. He’s literally the only person on television telling the truth about important issues. So the high ratings indicate that people are sick of the propaganda and are at least trying to find the truth even if it is through a network like Fox.

Ultimately though, this news is more important than the polls which are nothing more than rigged political propaganda. It shows that the support for Donald Trump is stronger than being reported.

Of course, this might not mean anything depending how much fraud the Democrats are able to get away with in this election.