It is perfectly normal for a young man to want to fight for his country and defend his people. You know things are totally broken when young people have no desire to defend their country in a state of war. That’s the situation you have in the United States of America or the United States of Jewmerica as it is often referred to as.

It’s so bad that even Newsweek decided to do a story about this in time for Veterans Day.

Just why the hell would any young man of European racial stock who was born in America want to fight for the United States in 2023? He’s been repeatedly called an evil racist over and over again while living in a multiracial, feminist hellscape. The prospects of him acquiring any sort of meaningful property let alone forming a stable family are extremely low. So why would he risk his life for a system that has no future?

It has also become clear that the US government has been totally subverted by Jews and the military is regularly used to serve the interests of Israel. It is not used to serve the interests of the American people.

If the US government tries to do a draft to fight this third world war the Jews want to do, they’re going to have a very difficult time filling the ranks. Most people would rather go to jail than serve this evil and demonic Jew system.

I guess they’ll try to fill the ranks with illegal aliens, immigrants etc.. but history has shown that this has not worked out so well.

On top of that, modern wars are fought with much more complicated machinery and technology than ever before. Do the Jews think a bunch of low IQ colored people are going to be able to replicate the American military machine of World War II? That’s just not possible. The world is a much different place now.