A record high of Americans view illegal alien invaders as a “critical threat” to the country according to a recent Gallup poll.

Most Americans now support a border wall on the US-Mexico border.

Obviously, the illegal alien invasion problem is out of control. It has been out of control for decades and nothing has been done to solve it. We have Jews in the government who are even conspiring to exacerbate the issue. Legal immigration is an even bigger problem but the illegal alien invasion is the more obvious issue because what’s happening is so ridiculously stupid and insane.

The problem has definitely caught the attention of your average person. I’ve talked with a few people who I never have political conversations with and even they are recognizing how fucked up the border situation is. They’ve also told me that they don’t give a shit about what’s going on overseas with the Ukraine or Israel with all the significant problems that are happening inside of America.

Public opinion is on our side. The problem is that we have a rigged democracy system with fraudulent elections so the will of the people does not get factored into the decisions that are made.