Here’s a good question.

And here’s another observation.

M.I.A. is some female rapper who I’ve never heard of, but she raises good points and her good points drew some attention.

If Alex Jones can be fined up to a billion dollars for having an allegedly false point of view that allegedly hurt people’s feelings, the same concept can be applied to others. Especially to those people who objectively caused infinitely more damage with false statements and lies.

There is simply no precedent for this judgment against Jones, even if you believe Jones was maliciously lying about Sandy Hook.

Unlike Alex’s views on the Sandy Hook incident, the promotion of the COVID-19 injections had deadly consequences. These shots have killed an untold amount of people. So if Jones has to pay a billion dollars for hurting the feelings of Sandy Hook parents, these celebrities should have to pay trillions for pushing a deadly experimental injection.

Same can be said about the Jewish media for pushing endless lies that resulted in wars.

Remember Iraq and alleged WMDs?

What about the 2008 financial crisis? The fine levied against Jones was over 10 times higher than any fines levied against Wall Street people for that whole fiasco.

Will any of these people pay? Not if Jews are involved in running our systems. This unfair and insane double standard will continue so long as they continue to run them. This billion dollar fine against Jones is obviously meant to destroy his business and media operation.