Kanye West attended Candace Owens’ film premiere of her movie exposing Black Lives Matter as a scam.

Here’s the trailer.

Kanye was mingling with all sorts of moderate right-wing celebrities at the event after he vowed to go Death Con 3 on Jews. Kid Rock, Bryson Gray and others were there.

Here’s the hilarious thing. Some of the biggest Daily Wire people were not there even though it was a Daily Wire event.

The Daily Wire is the Jew Ben Shapiro’s media operation. He obviously has some serious issues with the friendship between Candace and Kanye after Kanye criticized Jews.

He spoke publicly about some of this. He looks flustered as all hell over it.

Nobody likes Shapiro. He’s an obnoxious fake conservative Jew who has only been able to create a big media operation because of his Jewish financial connections. He’s also been promoted on Jew-run social media sites to serve as approved controlled opposition.

Michael Knowles responded by claiming that everything is fine in Daily Wire land.

I highly doubt that everything is fine. The Jew Shapiro is obviously not happy about the Kanye situation. He’s probably scheming to try and figure out how he can get rid of Candace even though she’s one of his most popular personalities. It is also weird regardless of family situations or whatever that few Daily Wire people were there at such a big event for them.

Hopefully this whole situation causes some real problems for Shapiro. I also hope the situation results in more of these moderate right-wing people talking about all these problems with the Jews. The fact that the Jews went after Kanye for speaking negative things about them has drawn a great deal of attention to this very serious problem. We need more people talking about these Jews. The more the better.