Yesterday, I talked about the Los Angeles Times laying off a significant amount of their newsroom staff. This phenomenon is by no means isolated to them. They are just a more prominent and notable example of what is happening across the legacy Jew media industry.

There’s talk of a “bloodbath” happening across these operations.

There’s issues at Buzzfeed, Vice Media and Business Insider.

Media workers are striking to protest layoffs.

This entire industry has been operating on borrowed time for awhile. Their many decades of lies and bullshit are finally catching up to them. Most of these operations are suffering extreme financial losses and are heavily subsidized by wealthy people. Wealthy Jews in particular. They have bought these operations for the purposes of publishing their own narratives and propaganda. Take in point the Jeff Bezos purchase of The Washington Post.

The thing is, you can only publish lies and inaccurate information for so long until people seek alternative sources of information. Independent reporters and publishers have risen in prominence because of this.