The Jew-run enterprise of YouTube recently blocked Indian media operation WION because they broadcast a speech by Russia’s foreign minister.

They eventually cucked on their initial ban.

Unlike what we see in the West, WION has been doing balanced reporting on the Ukraine situation.

Here’s an example.

The insane censorship agenda by these Jews are only undermining their power to control narratives. It defies comprehension why they would think it would be a good idea to start messing around with an Indian media channel. But I guess because India is not on board with hating on Russia 24/7, that they’ve become a target.

Countries have started to get serious about developing alternative tech infrastructure that exists outside the scope of Silicon Valley. China really was at the forefront of this. Russia has also been doing this, even though they’ve been a bit behind what China has done. They will likely start catching up very quickly in light of all these bans, sanctions etc.. that have been imposed on them. You might also see India begin to push this more in light of this type of fuckery.

All nations should have national alternatives to these big Jew tech sites based solely on how they’ve totally abused their power to interfere in political discourse around the world.