John Hagee a well-known fake Christian and Zionist asshole who for years has misled Christians into believing weird doomsday prophecies centered around Jews, is demanding Christians donate money so Jews can be flown out of Ukraine and into Israel.

He has a whole video on JewTube soliciting donations for this.

It is really quite an insane thing to demand of Christians, but Hagee has been doing this sort of thing for a long time. He brags about it on his website.

But going back to the situation at hand, Ukraine is run by a Jew who has said that every man from the age of 18 to 60 must stay and fight the Russians. However, Jews are seemingly exempt from this and are being flown out of the country into Israel. Hagee is trying to scam foolish Christians into helping these Christ-killers escape a situation that they themselves created.

Plus, why do Christians have to pay for this? Don’t the Jews have enough billionaires who could fund such efforts?

It’s really crazy how he has made a career out of asking Christians to donate money to help a group of people who killed Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago.

Hagee is a false prophet and a deceiver. He is in his 80s and will be dead soon. When he is dead he’ll have much to answer for and will no doubt be sent to hell.

Enjoy the ride to hell you fat Jew-loving fuck.