Billy Eichner the Jewish homosexual actor behind the new gay romantic comedy film Bros, is very angry that his movie bombed. It took roughly $25 million to make, had a huge marketing campaign behind it and was screened in 3000 theaters. Despite all that, it only raked in $5 million or so over the weekend.

Here’s the trailer to this awful garbage.

Eichner was demanding that normal people go see his disgusting faggot film.

When people didn’t go out to see it, he claimed that the normal people who didn’t want to see his obscene homosexual movie were homophobic weirdos.

No you faggot kike, you are the weirdo and you belong in the pits of hell for making such obscene trash. You have no right to attack normal heterosexual people who don’t want to see some movie centered around the concept of men doing anal on each other.

If you have the stomach to watch the trailer, two homosexual characters actually joke about how straight people had a good run while implying that they are being replaced by homosexuals.

The type of Jewish gutter trash has no place in any normal society. It’s just another example of the cultural degradation and rot that exists in America.