It appears as if the right-wing coalition will win a substantive victory in Italy’s parliamentary election.

So this means that Giorgia Meloni will likely be the next leader of Italy.

Based on my 40+ years of experience with females, I greatly dislike the idea of female political leaders. But with that said, she has previously praised Benito Mussolini and seems to at least be on par with an MTG figure here in the states. So who knows, maybe it will work out. Her leading the country certainly can’t be any worse than what they got now.

We’ll just have to see what happens, but considering that the evil EU bitch Ursula was making veiled threats towards Italians prior to this election, it looks to be a positive development.

Now that a right-wing government will be in place, it will be interesting to see how the EU deals with it. I personally hope Italy immediately moves to leave the bloc, but who knows if that will happen. Securing the borders and kicking out the illegal scum infesting their country is a more pressing matter.