There are reports from the Israeli media describing how the Israel Diaper Forces are privately admitting that it is impossible for them to destroy all the Gaza tunnels.


The Israel Defense Forces will not destroy all the Hamas and Islamic Jihad tunnels under Gaza. Probably not even most of them.

This assessment, which has yet to be voiced publicly, is shared by all levels of the IDF. From the generals, trying to plan what they call a “year of warfare” in 2024, through the brigade and battalion commanders who are spending entire weeks on the ground to destroy just one section of the tunnel system, all the way down to the combat engineering troops, who are now starting to come out of Gaza after three months of fighting with mixed feelings. On the one hand they have carried out an unprecedented number of tunnel demolition missions. On the other, they know many more such tunnels remain intact.

The IDF is scaling down its forces in Gaza City with full knowledge that many tunnels have been overlooked. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. The tunnels under the Gaza Strip were there even before Hamas’ founding in 1987 and it seems they’ll be here after this war too.

I was saying the same thing months ago. They also made this already hard task even more difficult by bombing all of Gaza into rubble. They actually gave Hamas fighters the advantage by doing this. It is one of the reasons why you are seeing so many Zionist terrorists getting blown up and killed.

The Jews are in a really bad spot tactically and strategically. They are not winning. All they have left is bullshit propaganda and spin.