Check this post out. The post has received over 59,000 likes at the time of publishing.

They aren’t rumors though. The post describes what actually happened. The Jews are also threatening to do something similar again.

The genocide the Jews are doing in Gaza have caused many to reevaluate their perspective on the 9/11 attacks. Take in point what we saw with that old 2002 Osama Bin Laden letter going viral.

It is very good that people are now openly talking about how Israel played a major role in the 9/11 attacks. They absolutely conspired to do these attacks in order to drag the United States into endless Middle East wars for their benefit. Israel was obviously the primary beneficiary of the attacks and they even had their own agents film the attacks as they happened.

I get that the Twitter “Community Notes” feature is still propping up the official Jew narrative, but that narrative is crumbling. The Bin Laden videos that surfaced after the attacks were widely exposed as fakes.

Here are some responses of interest.

At this point, I’m not sure it is even possible for the Jews to do another big 9/11 type false flag terrorism attack in the West. Too many people would just assume the Jews did it.