A number of Navy Seals are refusing the death vaxx and are facing termination for their refusal.

Tucker Carlson covered this story on one of his recent broadcasts. He also covered how there was a weird military presentation promoting satanism in conjunction with pushing vaxx propaganda.

Tucker has been bringing up a point that I’ve been making. That this forced vaxx agenda is meant to purge people who would question orders from the system. Namely White Christian men with high testosterone levels. The end result of this being that the only people left in the government are people willing to comply with any order no matter how stupid, evil or ridiculous.

The problem they have is that they risk all of these systems they use to exercise control becoming dysfunctional. That’s because they are forcing the most competent people out of them. I would argue that the people who are smart enough not to take this poison shot are the ones who are keeping everything from falling apart.

I mean, do they think a bunch of low testosterone faggots, women and low IQ minorities are going to be effective at maintaining this control grid they are trying to setup? There is no way this will be sustainable in the longer term.