Greg Johnson of Counter Currents was just arrested in Norway right before he was about to give a speech at a conference.

Apparently anti-fascists convinced the government that Johnson was preparing to launch a violent revolution and this was enough for them to arrest him. This is according to the official statement put out by Counter Currents.

Talk about crazy. Johnson has repeatedly said that he is against violence and terrorism. So what we have here are anti-fascists who are literal domestic terrorists, telling Norway’s government to arrest Johnson for being a terrorist. This despite there being no evidence that Johnson advocates terrorism or is a terrorist. In fact, Johnson is one of the last people in the world who would be preparing a violent revolution against the government of Norway. Meanwhile, Moslems are allowed to commit all sorts of actual real crimes without any sort of fear of arrest or deportation.

Whatever the case, it looks as if Johnson is simply going to be deported because he has thoughts and opinions disliked by Norway’s government. It’s a disgraceful situation all around but not surprising considering the political situation in Europe.

On the bright side, the Scandza Forum is receiving lots of free publicity because of Johnson’s arrest.