The German government doesn’t have the resources or the will to arrest and deport brown invaders for raping and killing people, but they sure have the resources and the will to arrest 25 random people for an alleged right-wing coup plot.

They reportedly had 3,000 police officers to arrest 25 people. So if we do the math that’s 120 police officers per person they arrested. Does that not seem a bit extreme?

It’s not even clear if there was a real plot. While anything is possible, it was probably all made up or exaggerated just so they had an excuse to arrest these people for their political beliefs.

The German government is totally controlled by Jews in Washington DC. It is also a country still occupied by American military forces. They’ve pretty much been terrorizing and controlling the German people since Adolf Hitler was in power. This is just the latest manifestation of that.

It is hard to see this situation lasting much longer. Especially considering the government is destroying their own economy for this dumb Jewish war in the Ukraine. Something is going to give.